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Kenya Coffees are known for its bright, complex acidity with rich and intense textures.  Coffees from Kirinyaga region are on the slopes of Mount Kenya, the altitudes and microclimate produce quality Kenyan coffees.  Due to its bright acidity and intense body, it has many possibilities when it comes to brewing.   Enjoy the long lasting juicy sweet and tart acidity with sugary mouthfeel, rich caramel, burnt sugar, ripe berry and grapefruit flavors.


Kirinyaga, in Central Kenya, is home to Mt. Kenya. It is forested with a wealth of exotic wildlife receiving 50 inches of rain peryear.  Many rivers run through the region and the soil is rich and volcanic, providing smallholders and cooperatives with the resources to grow and process some of Kenya's most fruit-forward coffees.

Farmers in Rung’eto planted their first coffee trees in I953. The co-op has three wet mills: Kii, Karimikui, and Kiangoi. The co-op is located within Ngariama location, Gichugu division, Kirinyaga East district on the Southern slopes of Mount Kenya.  The co-op is managed by an elected board of seven members, two elected from each factory catchment. Each member represents an electoral zone in the larger Rung’eto sublocation. Currently the co-op has 25 permanent staff members who are headed by a secretary manager. The secretary manager oversees the day-to-day running of the co-op under the supervision of the board.The three wet mills in the co-op have a combined membership of 2,858 active farmers.


Country: Kenya 
Region: Kirinyaga
Processing Mill: Karimikui
Variety: SL-28, SL-34, Ruiru 11, Batian
Altitude: 1,600-1,900 masl
Processing: Fully Washed
Notes: Molasses, cocoa, and cooked grapefruit flavors with sugary sweetness and tartacidity

Kenya PB Kirinyaga Microlot

  • Coffee Beans.  Medium Roast.  Fresh roasted in U.S.A.


  • We accept return for non-coffee items only. If you are not satisfied with your order, please return within 15 days from the date you received your product. Customer is responsible for shipping fee to return the product back to us.

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